On relationship: How to tell if you’re in the right one

Grace Anastasia
1 min readJan 7, 2022

This is an eye-opening video that you may want to watch: How to tell if you are in the right relationship. Listening to Professor Jordan Peterson specifically on this topic has brought so much of me and it was an enriching listen.

I had no idea how Prof. Jordan’s talks came up on my YouTube suggestions. No matter how absolutely controversial he seems to be, I was blown away by his skills in verbalizing and articulating thoughts and ideas.

In this video, we’re not going to be given a how-to list — because we can’t! We can’t tell or decide if we’re in the right relationship, as he said. So, he suggested things we might look for on the way to making that decision.

Some highlights:

  1. Is the person trustworthy?
  2. Can you both negotiate through the conflicts & differences?
  3. How similar are the personality traits (Except neuroticism — see 5 big personality traits), values, goals?
  4. Is the person physically attracting you?



Grace Anastasia

…stream-of-consciousness cathartic brain dump of a blog. Consists of tiny thoughts, like Tweets but a bit longer.